Varig verdiskapning gjennom generasjoner


Trygghet, frihet, kunnskap, samhold og stolthet

Gjennom sterke relasjoner – som familie og forretningspartnere

Our team has extensive experience in management and training in family dynamics.

Familieselskaper står bak 70% av verdiskapningen i Norge, og sitter med muligheten til å gjøre en positiv forskjell i samfunnet. Men de færreste familieselskaper skaper verdi og vekst over generasjoner, ofte forårsaket av de unike utfordringene som oppstår når arbeidsrelasjoner krysser med familieforhold.

Vår ekspertise ligger i krysningspunktet mellom menneskelige mønstre og samspill, og family business. Vårt mål er å hjelpe eiere og familier å styrke deres relasjoner, både som familie og forretningspartnere, og derigjennom bygge langsiktige og verdiskapende familieselskaper, preget av trygghet, frihet, samhold og stolthet, over generasjoner.

Om Nordic
Family Office

Vår misjon er å bidra til en sterk og trygg neste generasjon eiere og ledere, som gjennom forståelse for og utvikling av seg selv,  påvirker omgivelsene og skaper varig positiv endring for enkeltmennesker, samfunn og verden. Vi tror dette er nøkkelen til verdiskapning over generasjoner.

Gjennom kunnskap om menneskelige mønstre generelt og egne mønstre spesielt øker vi vår selvbevissthet og lærer å endre i oss selv, samtidig som vi bedre forstår de rundt oss.

om oss

With over two decades of experience working closely with family business owners and next-gen leaders, we have observed that value-based ownership, benefiting owners, companies, and society, begins with introspection. We prioritize helping individuals discover their true selves, their values, beliefs, and the culture they cultivate. We firmly believe that the power lies within each person.

While the world seeks to address challenges through investments and external solutions, we understand that true transformation begins within. 

Our commitment is to focus on people, recognizing that the power to change the world starts with empowering oneself. Through NFO, we strive to create a paradigm shift that places personal growth and individual empowerment at the forefront of sustainable change.


about the team

Mette Ballari

Passionate about helping family business owners become aware of who they are and what their values, driving force, roles and responsibilities are through good frameworks for ownership over generations.

Mette has 18 years of experience as an advisor for family-owned businesses in the Nordic countries, and has previously been a part of funding and leading the organization Family Business Norway. She assists owners in creating sustainable growth and competitive advantage across generations. Mette joined EY in 2017 and is head of EY Private and Family Enterprise team. In collaboration with Bjørgun Jønsberg she has built “The Art of Owning a Family Company” – EYs center of competence for owners and the next generation of owners of family businesses. Mette is also responsible for EY's "Woman Fast Forward" program in Norway. Mette is also responsible for EY’s program "Women Fast Forward" in Norway.

Tap into your power as a FUTURE leader and human being

As much as 80% of all value creation in the world today stems from family businesses. This implies that the choices owners make, will have a huge impact on the direction in which the world moves. Mette wants to contribute to owners becoming aware of their role. Through various programs and counselling, she challenges the owners to create major changes in both their own lives and the lives of others, including creating good frameworks for co-ownership across generations.


about the team

Angoline Berge Tobias

Culture lays the foundation and paves the way for innovation and sustainable growth, and trust is crucial for the relations needed.

Angoline works with getting owner vision, owner strategy, and goals implemented in the organization. The processes are goal-driven and built on a high degree of involvement in all levels : The owner board and its forum, as well as the board, management, and other key roles.

She is concerned with ensuring that the work provides value in both the short and long run, which means that you solve the short-sighted ambitions while also building a common culture over time.

She has an extensive experience with this side of business – both as a board member and chairman of the board, HR director, CEO, partner, and as leader in other capacities.


How Mette is building a better working world

I am Building a better working world by being genuine and trusting others, as I have a strong faith that we together will create a better world. By sharing from my own experience, I wish to provide transparency and honesty in the conversations where we all can use ourselves as the basis. This is important when sustainability, innovation and digitalization is on the agenda, and change is required.

I help owners and leaders of family businesses become conscious of their roles, and how they can use this responsibility. I am engaged in helping everyone see that they can succeed, that they both as individuals and groups can make big changes – and for this, I use my experiences from studies within strategic coaching and sustainability.

Hva vi gjør

Kunsten å eie et familieselskap

Kunsten å eie et familieselskap favner om alt vi leverer og bidrar med. Gjennom rådgivning og opplæring, hjelper vi familier å eie godt sammen. Vårt fokus ligger på mennesker og relasjoner, og på struktur og rammer. Kombinasjonen av disse faktorene skaper forutsigbarhet, trygghet, harmoni og verdi – for og over generasjoner.


Mennesker & Relasjoner

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Struktur & Rammer

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Familie og Eierskapsrådgivning

Med utgangspunkt i hver families mål og faktiske situasjon, bistår vi med rådgivning, opplæring og konsulenttjenester. Alltid med fokus på å styrke relasjoner og sette gode strukturer. Alltid med fokus både på de private og de profesjonelle relasjonene, og på strukturer som sikrer forutsigbarhet og langsiktighet.

  • Generasjonssamarbeid og generasjonsskifter
  • Eierstrukturer
  • Visjon, formål og eierstrategi
  • Samspill eier/styre/virksomhet
  • Roller og rolleforståelse
  • Endringsarbeid
  • Kultur
  • Kommunikasjon og samspill
  • Ledelse
  • Konflikt
  • Personlig utvikling
  • Eierstrukturer og juridisk rammeverk
  • Skatterådgivning